More About EAT
The core system of the prototype is a software made up of a 1-dimensional physical model coupled to five biogeochemical models and enabled with data-assimilation capabilities. The five biogeochemical models are used operationally in the Copernicus Marine Service, namely: PISCES, ERSEM, BFM, ECOSMO and ERGOM.
We have named to prototype EAT (SEAMLESS Ensemble and Assimilation Tool) (EAT) and it is publicly available on GitHub via – EAT will be continually developed over the next few years of the SEAMLESS project and the GitHub page will always have the authoritative version.
EAT builds on other software projects – notably General Ocean Turbulence Model (GOTM –, Framework for Aquatic Biogeochemical Models (FABM - and the Parallel Data Assimilation Framework (PDAF – and integrates these different components into a software product capable of doing data-assimilation simulations for any GOTM configuration where observations are available.
EAT will not only be a development platform for testing new assimilation methods and new biogeochemical models – but – also a production ready assimilation system for realistic 1D setups.
Realistic set-up are available for using the prototype straightforwardly in five data-reach sites in coastal areas, shelf-seas and open-ocean (stations BATS, L4, M, BOUSSOLE, Arkona) and with biogeochemical-Argo float transects.
The SEAMLESS prototype was been developed by BB and AWI. Its configurations by PML, OGS, UGA, NERSC and AWI.