Community Networks

SEAMLESS researchers are involved in many related community networks and working groups, that allow us to be at the forefront of new discussions and developments. Just a few examples are shared here. See the Team page for more details on the SEAMLESS research and to get in touch with one of us. 

Mercator Ocean International
Mercator Ocean International (MOi) is a non-profit organisation, in the process of transforming into an intergovernmental organisation, providing ocean science-based services of general interest focused on the conservation and the sustainable use of the oceans, seas and marine resources 
SEAMLESS scientists Stefano Ciavatta (MOi) and Annette Samuelsen (NERSC) both sit on Scientific Board of Mercator Ocean International 

Copernicus Marine Service Scientific and Technical Advisory Committee (STAC) to MOi was set up to advise on science and technology issues related to the Copernicus Marine Service delivery and evolution. Pierre Brasseur from CNRS is part of this high level group. 

Copernicus Marine Service Working Groups:
SEAMLESS partner OGS sit on a number of this high level groups with in Copernicus Marine Service. 

  • Product Quality WG
  • BioDA WG
  • Ensemble WG

Ocean Predict
The Marine Ecoystem Analysis and Prediction Task Team is focused on developing the underpinning science and tools that will further the integration of biogeochemical and ecosystem models into existing ocean operational systems. Pierre Brasseur CNRS and Gianpiero Cossarini of OGS are members of the group, which is chaired by Stefano Ciavatta (MOi). 

ForSea Programme
ForeSea is an endorsed programme of the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development. Its vision is for strong international coordination and community building of an ocean prediction capacity for the future
Stefano Ciavatta is on the Steering Committee of ForSea programme of UN Decade for Ocean Science. 

CMEMS Arctic Monitoring Forecasting Centre (ARC MFC) provides the most accurate forecast and reanalysis products and  ensure the consistency of the information on sea ice, ocean, biology and surface waves in the whole Arctic. The system is based on a numerical ocean model assimilating in situ and satellite data. SEAMLESS partners NERSC leads this group.

CMEMS Mediterranean Monitoring Forecasting Centre (MED MFC) provides regular and systematic information about the physical state and marine ecosystems of the Mediterranean Sea. The system is based on numerical models, which assimilate in situ and satellite observational data. A main purpose of MED MFC is to be an expert centre for reanalysis, analyses and forecasts in the Mediterranean Sea. SEAMLESS partners OGS is a member of this group. 

Marine Data Assimilation Activity Group, NPOP
Stefano Ciavatta is the chair of this group with bring together scientists with an interest in data assimilation to identify areas where joint work is possible to develop a long term marine data assimilation strategy for the UK. 

IOCCG (The International Ocean-Colour Coordinating Group) is an international Committee of experts with
representatives from national space agencies and the ocean colour and inland water user communities; PML is
member of the “Role of Ocean Colour in Biogeochemical, Ecosystem and Climate Modelling” working group.

GOA-ON (Global Ocean Acidification Observing Network) is a collaborative international approach to document
the status and progress of ocean acidification; PML is leading the North East Atlantic GOA-ON Hub.

Related Projects

ODESSA: Optimal Design of Ensemble-based Simulation Systems for Applications to marine forecasting.
Building a framework for evolving the deterministic forecast systems into stochastic ones.

CMEMS Service Evolution project

This new Horizon Europe project will support and enable CMEMS to deliver products that inform marine biodiversity conservation and food resources management, by fusing innovative ocean ecosystem models and new data.

IMMERSE is a research project which aims to prepare numerical ocean models for the next generation Copernicus Marine Environment Monitoring Service (CMEMS).